Apple has always been a company that pushes the envelope with their products. With new innovations like the iPhone and iPad, they continue to set the standard for what is possible in technology. Here are 10 products from Apple that will change the future.

  1. The iPhone: The iPhone is without a doubt one of Apple’s most iconic products. It was the first smartphone and it has since revolutionized how people use mobile devices. The iPhone has a large following not only because of its features, but also because of its design. It is sleek, modern and easy to use.
  2. The iPad: The iPad is another product that has changed the way people use technology. It is more than just a tablet; it’s a complete device that can be used for entertainment, work and even education. The iPad features stunning graphics and an intuitive user interface that makes it easy to navigate.
  3. Siri: Siri is one of the most innovative features on the iPhone and iPad. She allows users to control their devices using voice commands instead of traditional buttons or menus. This makes using your devices much easier and more convenient than ever before!
  4. AirPlay: AirPlay allows users to wirelessly share music, videos and photos between different Apple devices including iPhones, iPads and Macs.. This is an amazing feature that makes sharing content between devices incredibly easy! 5 . HomeKit: HomeKit allows users to control various aspects of their home using iOS devices.. This includes turning on lights, adjusting temperatures or setting alarms.. HomeKit is an amazing feature that will make managing your home easier than ever before! 6 . Augmented Reality: Augmented Reality (AR) is a new technology that allows users to see digital objects overlaid on real-world surroundings.. This could be anything from seeing virtual shopping malls in your living room to viewing 3D models of buildings in your cityscape.. AR is an exciting new development that will have ..

You can view the full set along with the individual descriptions for each at the blog post linked below.

10 Possible Future Apple Products [via MakeUseOf]