If you’re like most people, you have a password for your computer. But if you’re ever in a bind and can’t remember your password, or if you just don’t want to type it in every time you want to access your computer, then a USB Password Key might be the solution for you. A USB Password Key is a small device that plugs into your computer’s USB port and stores your computer’s login information (username and password). When you need to log in to your computer again, just plug the key into the port and type in the username and password that was stored on the key. There are many different USB Password Keys available on the market, so make sure to find one that will fit your needs. Some of our favorites include The Lockitron Keychain Password Manager, which comes with 10 different passwords pre-loaded, as well as an auto-login feature that will automatically log you in when plugged into a compatible device.

Joonas Pihlajamaa’s employer requires him to change his password on a regular interval. He wanted to use a strong password but he didn’t want to be bothered remembering a really strong and random password every time he changed it. His solution? Gut a USB flash drive to conceal a random password generator and HID device that types in the new password automatically when plugged in. He can use his combination generator/key to both create strong new passwords and then, once he has changed his login credentials with the new password, simply plug the USB drive, like a key, into his work computer to login.

The USB drive itself looks exactly like a standard thumb drive and, if he were to lose it and someone were to plug it in, it would simply type gibberish (the random password string) with no identifiable information. Hit up the link below to see his build guide including the parts and code you need to create your own generator/key.

DIY USB Password Generator [via Hack A Day]