Android Mind Mapping: If you’re looking for an easy way to keep track of your to-dos, try using Android’s mind mapping tool. Simply draw a diagram of your tasks and goals, and Android will help you prioritize and organize them. You can also add notes and links to files or websites, so everything is easily accessible. Chrome Pandora Notifications: If you’re a music lover, you’ll love Chrome’s new Pandora notifications feature. When a new song or album is added to Pandora, Chrome will automatically add the notification to your desktop background so you can listen while you work. Plus, if you have the Chromecast app installed on your phone, you can stream the music right from your desktop! Easy To-Do Lists: If organizing your tasks is proving too difficult, try using an easy to-do list. This type of list lets you quickly and easily add items that need to be done in order. You can also set deadlines for each task so that everything gets done on time. ..

Once a week we dump out the tips box mailbag and share some of the reader-submitted tips with you. This week we’re looking at creating mind maps on Android devices, desktop Pandora notifications, and easy to use to-do lists.

Mind Mapping on Android Devices

Erin writes in with a mind mapping tip:

We do love a good mind map (and, like you, we’re a bit puzzled by the lack of tablet support). We’ll check it out!

Push Pandora Notifications from Chrome to Your Desktop

Michael writes in with this Pandora-related tip:

The best kind of software tip is the tip we don’t realize we desperately need until it lands in our email inbox. Pandora + Chrome = Desktop Notifications is a winning equation. We’re installing it now.

Manage Your To-Do List with LazyMeter

Elizabyth writes in with a to-do list management technique:

So I’ve tried just about every web app to-do list out there and I always end up getting frustrated with them for some reason or another. That was before I found LazyMeter. It’s so freaking easy and intuitive. You enter in your tasks, give them dates, LazyMeter puts them in front of you at the appropriate time, and you either do them and check it off or push them forward (where they’ll be put in front of you again or deleted if you don’t need/want to do them anymore). It’s hard to convey how simple and easy to use it is so I included a video. Hope you find it useful!

We like easy to manage to-do lists. Anything that lowers the resistance to use is usually successful and LazyMeter certainly looks easy/intuitive enough. Thanks for sharing!

Have a tip to share? Shoot us an email at and look for your tip on the front page.