If you’re looking for some freebies this holiday season, be sure to check out the tips box. This is a great place to find helpful articles and advice on everything from getting free gifts to making your own custom-fit headphones. Here are a few of our favorite finds:

  1. A free documentary on how to make custom-fit headphones. This one is especially helpful if you’re looking for a new way to improve your audio experience.
  2. DIY custom-fit headphones that are made from recycled materials. These are perfect for anyone who wants to improve their sound quality without spending a fortune.
  3. Nintendo Papercrafts, which can be fun and easy projects for the whole family. These little toys can be turned into unique gifts ornaments or decorations, and they’re perfect for giving as holiday presents.

Top Documentary Films Organizes Free Documentaries

Brian writes in with the following tip:

We’re never one to turn down a good documentary; nice find Brian!

Mold Custom In-Ear for a Perfect Fit

Ron writes in with a custom-headphones tip:

The clear look does look pretty slick; it definitely gives it a store-bought feel.

Whip Up Some Nintendo Papercraft

Becky shares a papercraft tip:

Nintendo papercraft you say? Time to begin building our paper Mushroom kingdom.

Have a tip or trick to share? Shoot us an email at tips@howtogeek.com and look for it on the front page.