If you’re a smartphone user, you know that there are plenty of apps out there that you can’t see right away. They’re hidden in the menus and icons of your app drawer, or they’re tucked away in the depths of the settings menu. But what if you want to find an app that’s hidden behind a password or a complex security code? That’s where iOS comes in. iOS offers a variety of ways to hide apps from users, and one of the most popular methods is to use a password. If you have an iPhone with iOS 11 or later, you can use Apple’s built-in security feature called “Babel Fish.” This feature allows users to hide any app by using a combination of letters and numbers. For example, if you want to hide the Facebook app from users with iOS 11, you could use “babelfish” as your password. If you don’t have Babel Fish installed on your iPhone or iPad, there are other ways to hide apps on iOS11 and later devices. One way is to use “Find My App.” This feature allows users to find any app that has been installed on their device and track its location. You can also use this feature to find any hidden apps if they’ve been deleted or changed since your last check for them. Whatever method you choose, be sure to keep an eye out for hidden apps on iOS11 and later devices!

Once a week we round up some of the great reader tips that come pouring in and share them with everyone. This week we’re looking at Bing’s absorbtion of Babelfish, hidden features in iOS apps, and how to find a clean beach with your smartphone.

Yahoo! Babel Fish Folds into Bing Translate

Steve writes in with the following tip:

Thanks Steve! It’s been a little while since we’ve visited Babel Fish, thanks for the update.

Discover the Hidden Features in Stock iOS Apps

Nicki writes in with the following iOS tip:

Nice find, Nicki—we’re particularly fond of the “Stop Playing” trick in the clock timer menu. Thanks!

Find Clean Beaches with Your Smart Phone

Matt writes in with a summer-centric tip:

For our warm weather readers with beach trips on their minds, this is a very handy app. Nice find Matt! Readers should note that you can also use the main web site instead of the smartphone app to get the same results.