If you’re like most people, you probably have a few folders on your Android device and a few folders on your computer. But what if you want to keep all of your photos and videos in one place? You can use Dropbox or Google Drive to sync your folders, but there are other options as well. Here are three tips for keeping your Android and iPhone devices synchronized: Sync Android Folders to Dropbox

  1. First, create a new folder on your Android device called “Android” and add all of the folders that you want to sync to it. For example, if you have photos and videos in two different folders on your device, add them both to the “Android” folder. Then add the “Photos” folder to the “Android” folder. Finally, add the “videos” folder to the “Photos” folder.
  2. Next, open up Dropbox and sign in with your account information (username and password). Then click on the “+ Add Folder” button at the top of the screen. Select which folders you want to sync from both your Android device and your computer (you can also select which folders only from your computer). Click on OK when prompted.
  3. Once everything is added, click on the “Sync Now” button at the bottom of Dropbox’s window. Your devices will start syncing automatically!

Once a week we round up some great reader tips and share them with everyone. This week we’re looking at syncing folders from Android to Dropbox, GPS tagging your photos, and using your Android or iOS device as a clinometer.

Sync Your Android Media with Dropbox

Steve writes in with the following tip:

We’re all for redundant backups and you’ve certainly pulled it off here, Steve. Nice tip!

GPS Tag Your Photos After the Fact with GeoSetter

Mark writes in with a photography trick:

This is definitely a a time saver for those trying to retroactively tag their photos, Steve. Thanks for sharing.

Using Your Smart Phone as a Clinometer

Grace writes in with the following tip:

And now we have the sudden urge to take the afternoon off and go fly some kites (maybe we’ll have some kites app to share with you as a result!)

Speaking of kites, if anyone knows any good Android-based apps related to kite flying, my son would be thrilled to hear about it!