Google has a number of tricks up its sleeve for those looking to get the most out of their barrel roll. Here are a few tips to help you achieve the desired results.

  1. Use a good roll release system: A good roll release system helps keep your barrel in place while you make your roll, ensuring that you don’t lose control and end up with an inaccurate shot.
  2. Use a consistent pressure: When rolling, always use the same pressure on each side of the barrel to ensure accuracy. This will help keep your barrel in place and prevent it from moving around too much.
  3. Use a light touch: When rolling, use light touch so that you don’t cause any damage to your barrel or yourself. This will help keep your roll accurate and avoid any potential problems down the line.

At Mashable they’ve gathered up 10 hidden Google tricks beyond the new “do a barrel roll” Easter Egg including a playable Pac-Man logo, crooked search results, and ninjas that leap around Google Reader. Hit up the link below to check them all out.

Beyond Barrel Roll: 10 Hidden Google Tricks [Mashable]