When you’re shooting video or photography, you need to be able to light your subject evenly. This is done by using a camera flash. A built-in optical slave flash will do the job for you. To set up your own camera flash, first make sure that your camera has a built-in flash. If not, purchase one and use it with your current camera equipment. Once your camera has a built-in flash, set it to the “On” position and connect the power cord to the flash. Then connect the other end of the cord to an appropriate outlet. Now open up your Camera Settings and find “Flash.” Under “Flash,” set the “On” position to “Auto.” Now press the shutter button on your camera and wait until the light from your built-in flash comes on. You can now take pictures or videos with your new camera flash!

At DIY Photography they share a straight forward guide to building your own camera flash, including parts lists and schematics. The build itself is a pretty easy one if you have a few electronics projects under your belt. The only caution we’d throw out is that, because you’re working with flash bulbs, you’re also working with high voltage capacitors. This project includes a 450v capacitor which, under the really unfortunate circumstances, can accidentally discharge into your body and give you a heart attack–such is the nature of working with high-voltage electronics.

Hit up the link below for additional photos, more warnings, the schematics and parts list.

How To Build A Flash (With An Optical Slave) [DIY Photography]