If you work in an office with multiple computers, you may have noticed that the default save location for each computer is different. For example, on one computer, the save location might be “C:\Users<username>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs”, while on another computer it might be “C:\Users<username>.local”. If you want to change the save location for your office, there are a few steps you can take. First, open the Start Menu and type “cmd” (without the quotes) and hit enter. Then type “netstat -a” and hit enter again. This will show you all of the active network connections in your office. If there is a file called “save_location.txt” located on one of these connections, then Windows will automatically try to save this file to that location when it starts up. If not, then you’ll need to create this file yourself by typing “netstat -a | findstr ‘\’ -type f” and hitting enter. Once you’ve created the save_location.txt file, then open it up in Notepad or another text editor and paste in the following code: SaveLocation = “%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu" Now that your default save location has been changed, make sure that your office is still using this new location when you start up your computer by typing “netstat -a | findstr ‘\’ -type f” and hitting enter. You should now see a message saying that Office is still using the old save location!

The new version of Office comes complete with SkyDrive integration, but sadly SkyDrive is the default save location. Here’s how to make your Office apps save documents to your PC by default instead of SkyDrive.

How to Change the Default Save Location for Office 2013

Open any one of the office programs and click on the File menu item.

Then click on Options.

Now head into the Save settings.

On the right hand side you will see a check box labeled “Save to computer by default”, check it and then click OK.

That’s all there it to it, now when you go to save a document it will default to your PC.