When you take a picture of yourself, you want to create an illusion that the person in the picture is looking at you. This can be done by using Photoshop to make the photo look like it has two eyes. To do this, first make sure that your photo is set up so that it has a front and back view. Then, use the layers palette to add a layer of black and white. Next, add a layer of color to the front and back of the photo, making sure that each color is blended together evenly. Finally, use the layers palette to add a layer of transparency so that both layers are completely transparent. When all of these steps are complete, your photo will look like it has two eyes!

Because there’s not enough ways to mess with people’s heads in Photoshop, here’s how to recreate this bizarre double portrait seen around the internet, showing the side and front of a face at the same time.

It was a “how’d they do that” moment when we saw the image. And with a few tries, it was deconstructed, and ready for HTG readers to try. With Photoshop (or GIMP) and a few pictures of yourself or your friends, you can be making weird pictures that make people uncomfortable in no time. Here’s how we did it.

Taking (Or Finding) The Proper Photographs

A pair of photos like these are fairly ideal, particularly the amazing profile shot on the right. Ideally, you should have good dark shadows on one side of your face in the frontal portrait, but since we don’t, we’ll be fudging it a bit, and explaining how.

Here’s the image in question. You might have seen it in a few places. It (and many others like it) have been reblogged many times. This one was found on the very excellent collection of nonsense and fun stuff—Super Punch.  And here’s the original, by Malcolm Ainsworth. Let’s see if we can’t recreate what Malcolm has done.

Select the pen tool (Shortcut key ) and select “Shape Layers” in the top options panel. Our first step is to create a silhouette of our profile image.

With “Shape Layers” turned on, you automatically start drawing your silhouette in a new layer. Notice that it will create a filled shape by creating an imaginary line between the first and last points.

Carefully trace all the shapes of the outside of your profile image. And, if you’re impossibly frustrated with the pen tool at this point, you might want to either stop and read our tips on mastering the pen tool or just give it up and use the paintbrush to create your silhouette. In the end, either works, although the pen tool is probably faster.

The imaginary line and the fill are not always convenient when you are tracing an image. If your silhouette shape is blocking parts of the image you haven’t traced yet, reduce either the fill or the transparency temporarily. This will allow you to see your details and finalize your silhouette.

With your details finished, you can do a rough connect of your first and last points. It doesn’t have to be terribly good, and can actually run off of the artboard.

Notice how the vector shape runs off the actual canvas.

We add a dramatic gradient to recapture the feeling of the original image. Try blending white to black versus transparent to black, and set your gradient style to “Radial” to match Malcolm’s image.

Make sure that your new gradient is underneath your silhouette layer, otherwise you might have trouble with these next few steps.

Paste your “straightforward” portrait image into a new layer. With that layer selected, navigate to Layer > Create Clipping Mask to clip the new portrait layer to the silhouette layer.

  to transform the portrait layer once you have it clipped to your silhouette. Resize it to where the nose, eyes, and mouth roughly align with those in the silhouette image.

At this point in our example, we’ve cropped down on the parts that aren’t needed. It’s looking pretty good, but let’s add one last step to fake the heavy shadows present in Malcolm’s image.

Snag the brush tool (Shortcut key ) and paint shadows into a new layer on top of your portrait.

If you don’t like the additional shadows, you can remove them, provided you did put them in a new layer. Enjoy the weirdness, and freaking out your friends!