Amazon search ads are a common feature on Ubuntu’s Unity Dash. They can be disabled by editing the Unity Dash settings. To disable Amazon search ads, open the Unity Dash settings and click on the “Search Ads” tab. Under “Target Audience,” set “None” to be the target audience. Click on the “Disable” button to disable Amazon search ads in Unity Dash.

You can click the information icon at the bottom right corner of the dash to view the legal notice, which explains exactly how this works.

Disable Online Content in the Dash

You can disable all online content in the dash from the Privacy control panel. Bear in mind that this also disables other types of online searches, such as the online video feature in the dash.

To launch the Privacy control panel, search for Privacy in the dash and launch the Privacy application.

To uninstall the package, open a Terminal window from the dash.

Type the following command into the Terminal window and press Enter:

Enter your password, type Y to confirm, and Ubuntu will remove the package.

The ads will disappear after you log out and log back in.