Ubuntu Server is a popular Linux distribution that is known for its ease of use and stability. However, one downside of Ubuntu Server is that it does not come with automatic security updates enabled by default. This can be a problem if you run a server that is used by other people or if you need to keep your server up-to-date with the latest security patches. In this article, we will show you how to enable automatic security updates on Ubuntu Server. First, you will need to install the update manager software on your Ubuntu Server. The update manager can be found in the main menu under System Tools -> Update Manager. Once the update manager has been installed, open it and click on the Updates tab. You will then need to select your Ubuntu Server from the list of servers and click on the Check for Updates button. Once the check for updates has been completed, you will be presented with a list of available updates. If any of these updates are relevant to your server, then they will be displayed as available for installation. Click on the Install Updates button to install these updates onto your server. Once the updates have been installed, you will need to restart your server in order for them to take effect. To do this, open up a terminal window and type sudo reboot followed by enter . Once your server has restarted, you should now have automatic security updates enabled on it! ..

There’s nothing more tedious as a system administrator than running security updates on a dozen servers every single day. Luckily Ubuntu will let you automate stable security updates so you’re never at risk.

All you need to do is run this one single command on your server:

If you get an error about the package not being installed, run this first:

If you are logged in as root you can skip the sudo, of course.

Once you run the command you’ll be presented with a very pink screen that might prompt you to say Ok.

If your terminal was a little wider you probably would see it all on a single page, but either way you’ll be asked if you want to automatically download and install stable updates. Select Yes.

The utility will write out the necessary configuration files, and security updates should become automated. Note that by default it’s going to wait to check once a day, so it’s not like any pending security updates will be instantly installed once you change this setting, but you shouldn’t have to install security updates ever again.