If you’re like most people, you probably watch a lot of videos on YouTube. And if you’re like most people, you probably also want to be able to extract the audio from those videos so that you can listen to them offline or share them with friends. There are a few different ways to do this with VLC, but the easiest and most stealthy way is to use the “audio extraction” feature in VLC’s preferences. Just open VLC’s preferences (by clicking on the gear icon in the upper-left corner of the main window, then selecting “Preferences”), and click on the “Audio” tab. In this tab, you’ll see a list of all of your currently open videos. Select one of these videos, and then click on the “Extract audio” button next to it. VLC will start playing back the video while it extracts the audio. (If there are any ads or other content in between the video and audio tracks, VLC will also extract that content.) Once it’s finished extracting the audio, VLC will display a list of files containing that audio file. You can either select one of these files and open it in another application (like iTunes), or you can save it to your computer as an MP3 file. The downside to using this method is that it requires that you have access to a copy of VLC installed on your computer – otherwise, you won’t be able to extract any audio from videos that you watch online using other web browsers or mobile apps. And if your computer crashes while VLC is extracting the audio from a video, your work may be lost – so make sure that you have a backup plan ready just in case! But overall, this is by far the easiest way to extract audio from any video – and it’s also very stealthy: no one will know what’s happening behind their backs! ..

Every week we dig into our reader mailbag and share the tips and tricks you email in. This week we’re highlighting a how to extract audio from any video file with VLC, sneaking around news site paywalls, and how to delay Windows Live Mesh from loading right away.

Extract the Audio from Any Video File with VLC

Earlier this week we shared a guide with you on using VLC to resize videos for your Android phone. Reedip wrote in with his guide to using VLC to extract the audio from any video file and convert it to MP3 format. He writes:

Great tip Reedip; you’re right, VLC is a veritable Swiss Army knife of media tools. Thanks for writing in.

VLC has a very easy way to convert the FLV (or any other video file for that sake) to MP3

All you need to do is:

Open VLC. Go to Media –> Convert/Save. When you click Convert/Save, it opens a dialog box where in you can select the file which you need to convert(i. e. the video/FLV file which you wish to convert to MP3). After selecting the file click on Convert/Save button located in the lower right hand side of the dialog box. After this,there would be a dialog box for Stream Output. Check the option ‘File’, and go to ‘Browse’ to locally save the file with the filename of your choosing. Whenever you enter the new file name and click Save, a “. ps” is appended at the end of the file name. Substitute the “. ps” extension with a “. mp3” extension. In the Settings section of the Convert dialog box there is Profile drop down menu. Within the Profile section pull the menu down and select MP3 (for MP3encoding). Click SAVE and let the data Stream. Once finished, open the MP3 file and enjoy.

Sneak Around Paywalls with Google’s Help

Charles writes in with his simple technique for gaining access to articles hidden behind paywalls:

Very clever; paywalls are such an odd strategy for companies attempting to compete in a medium of free and immediate information. Nice work finding a simple way to skirt around them.

But, there is a few sites that want you to pay for the privilege of reading their articles.  Two I can remember off hand is the “Wall Street Journal” and “Financial Times”.  Why they insist on paying customers while everyone else does not… I have no idea.  Generally the first paragraph is seen and that’s all.  A tease.

There is a work around.  At the bottom of each article Google has a link saying, “See all stories on this topic”.  By clicking that link you get all the related articles available.  You also get a new link to the site that was previously partially blocked.  This link however is the full article with no requirements!

Delaying the Start of Windows Live Mesh

Reader Neutronstar21 writes in with his tip for delaying the start of Windows Live Mesh:

If you’re in a similar situation it’s a great fix to the delayed-but-automatically-logged-in issue with Windows Live Mesh. Thanks for doing the legwork and figuring it out Neutronstar21!

WLM cannot be disabled to start at login if the option “sign-in automatically” is checked.  I found that with this option checked WLM would write the startup run registry key (as below) whenever it was executed. I found steps 2-5 here, to give credit where it’s due. Key written by WLM whenever it is executed (with option “sign-in automatically” checked):


“WLSync”=”\”C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Live\Mesh\WLSync.exe\” /background”

Anyhow, fix is as follows.

  1. To delete  the registry key, create a batch file that executes the command:

Reg Delete “HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run” /v WLSync /f

  1. To run this script at Windows 7 Logoff:

Type “Gpedit.msc” in the Start Button Run box and press “Enter. This opens the Group Policy Editor.

  1. Navigate to “User Configuration\Windows Settings\Scripts (Logon/Logoff)” on the left pane. Double-click “Logoff” on the right-pane to bring up the properties.

  2. Click “Add.” This loads an Add a Script dialog. Click “Browse” and select the script you made. This places it in the “Script Name” field.

5.Click “OK” at the bottom of the Add a Script dialog to confirm. This takes you back to the properties window. Click “Apply” at the bottom and close your policy editor. The script will run when the user logs off.