Google Chrome is a web browser that is very popular for its speed and security. However, one downside of Chrome is that it does not have a user profile name button. This means that new users must create a user name and password before they can use the browser. There are several ways to hide the new user profile name button in Google Chrome. The easiest way is to use the Customize and Control Panel option in the Windows Start Menu. This option can be accessed by clicking on the Start button and then clicking on Control Panel. The Customize and Control Panel option will be displayed in the window that opens. The Customize and Control Panel option has several tabs, including System and Security. The System tab has several options, including User Accounts and Family Safety. The Family Safety tab has two options: Hide New User Profile Name Button and Show New User Profile Name Button When Logged In as an Administrator or Parent. To hide the new user profile name button, select Hide New User Profile Name Button from the list of options on the Show New User Profile Name Button When Logged In as an Administrator or Parent tab. This will disable the button so that new users cannot see it when they are logged in to Chrome as an administrator or parent account holder. ..

If you are the only one using Google Chrome on your computer, then you hardly need to be ‘reminded’ that you are the one currently logged into the browser. Today’s SuperUser Q&A post provides a quick and easy fix to hide the button for a frustrated reader.

Today’s Question & Answer session comes to us courtesy of SuperUser—a subdivision of Stack Exchange, a community-driven grouping of Q&A web sites.

The Question

SuperUser reader ehsanullahjan wants to know how to hide the new user profile name button in Google Chrome:

Is there a way to hide or remove the new user profile name button?

Is there a way to hide this button? By the way, I am using Mac OS X Yosemite and Google Chrome Version 39.0.2171.99 (64-bit).

The Answer

SuperUser contributor ThiefMaster has the answer for us:

Have something to add to the explanation? Sound off in the comments. Want to read more answers from other tech-savvy Stack Exchange users? Check out the full discussion thread here.


Disable it, then restart Google Chrome and the button will be gone.